You may have heard of the remarkable story of Dick and Rick Hoyt, better known as “Team Hoyt.”
In this episode of To Your Health, Rick will join us and communicate through his computer to tell us about his love of fitness, overcoming obstacles, and his book “One Letter at a Time.” This book was published to not only share Rick’s voice, but dozens of personal accounts of individuals whose lives were positively impacted by Team Hoyt.
Their motto is “Yes You Can” to promote the message that you can do anything you set your mind to for individuals with or without disability. For the Hoyts, after decades of being told “No you can’t” they wanted to send a different message for others to hear. The Hoyt’s both have received several awards for their efforts to bring the issues of the disabled into the nation’s conscience. These include the induction into the Ironman Hall of Fame; the “Living Legends” award from the Sports Museum of New England; a Certificate of Achievement from the President Council on Sports and Fitness; the Champion Sports Award from the Washington D.C.-based Lombardi Foundation and many others.